Imrich Lyrics

A’ Choille Gharbh

The Wild Forest

1. Nuair a ràinig sin an t-àite, fuar is fann is sgìth
Talamh cruaidh dhuinn air gach taobh
cràdh mòr na ar cridhe
Air fàgail eilean gorm an fheòir, ar teaghlaichan nar dèidh
Sùil ri beatha ùr an seo, a’ Choille Gharbh cho fad ‘s a chì
1. When we reached our destination, cold, weak and tired
With hard ground all around us and a deep pain in our hearts.
Having left our native Island with our family behind
Hoping for a new life here, but all we see is Wild Forest.
2. Cha b’e seo chaidh innse dhuinn nuair roghnaich sinn thighinn ann
Ach talamh torach làn de mhil
far nach bi duine gann
Thuirt iad rinn nuair ruigeamaid gun reiceadh iad gu saor
`Aite togail dhachaigh air ’s cha b’e Coille Gharbh cho fad ‘s a chì.
2. This was not what we were told when we agreed to Emigrate,
But rich fertile land which lacked nothing,
They told us that when we reached, this land would be available to us at very little cost, perfect for building a family homestead, and not this Wild Forest as far as the eye could see.
3. Chuair sinn aodann ris an teas is aodann ris an fhuachd
Le fallas gruaidh is pian ar drùim,
Cnap-starra ’s deuchainn- chruaidh
Creideamh againn ann an Dia nach trèigadh e a shluagh
Is beag air bheag ‘s ann fhuair sinn smachd air Coille Gharbh cho fad ‘s a chi.
3. But we turned our face to the heat and to the cold
Pain in back and sweat on brow,
Obstacles and many testing days
And with our faith in God that he would not forsake his people,
Bit by bit we overcame this Wild Forest as far as the eye could see.



Bha sinn gu tur neo-ullamh air son dèiligeadh ris an aimsir annabarrach a bha ri fhaotainn anns a’ phàirt seo de Chanada, bho fuachd geur a’ gheamhraidh gu teas àmhainn an t-samhraidh. Ach a dh’aindeon sin agus gach bristeadh dùil cha robh dol air ais dhuinn, bha beatha ùr againn a-nis an seo an earra -dheas de dhùthaich Quebec.
We were totally unprepared, to deal with the extreme weather conditions which were to be found in this part of Canada, from the bitter, cutting, cold of Winter to the oven heat of Summer, but despite this and all the broken promises, there was no going back for us, we had a new life here now in South Eastern Quebec.

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