Imrich Lyrics
Chi mi Bhuam
I See Afar
Chi mi bhuam air bàrr a’ chuain
A’ ghrian a’ danns mar bha ri m’òig
Chi mi bhuam air bàrr a’ chuain.
I see afar on the crest of the ocean
The sun dancing like from my youth
I see afar on the crest of the ocean
Air mo chùl tha gheallach throm
Ag èirigh mall os cionn Beinn Sgleò
Na reultan ‘s iad a’ priobadh fann
A’ smèideadh air gach creutair beò
Behind me is a heavy moon
Rising slowly above the misty hill
The stars with their feeble twinkling’s
Beckoning to all living creatures.
Sheòl sinn mach air Bàt na smùid
Le gàire ‘s aoibhneas air gach gnùis
Faicinn solais teannadh dlùth
Gu tuath air oir mo thuigs is tùr
We sailed out on the steam boat
With laughter and happiness everywhere
Seeing the lights drawing closer
To the North on the edge of my reason.
Gun a’ phort bu mhiannach leo
Chur sinn cùrs air baile beò
Coimhead a-mach son fàilte bhlàth
Bho charaidean a’ feitheamh oirnn
To the port which they desired
They set a course to a lively town
Keeping a watch for the warm welcome
From friends who are already waiting.
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