Imrich Lyrics



‘S ann fhuair mise an cànan seo
Bho m’ phàrantan ‘s mi òg
Ged nach d’fhuair mi Ghaidhlig
Airson bàrdachd chur air dòigh
Ach innsidh mis’ an fhìrinn dhuibh
Nach cùram leam bhith pòsd
‘S ann thug mi gràdh dhan àilleagan
Chaidh àrach ann an Leodhas.
I received this Gaelic language
From my parents when I was young
Even though I did not receive it
to compose or write a song.
But I will tell you the truth,
I do not care for this marriage
After giving my love to another girl
Who was born and raised on Lewis
B’ òg a rinn mi d’fhàgail
A Mhairi ‘s ann le bòid
Is thug mi gaol nach dìoch’naich mi
Gun tèid mi sìos fon fhòid
Ged bhiodh mo cheann air liathadh
‘S ged bhiodh mo dhìochuimhn mòr
Mo smuaintean bidh air Mairi
Cho fad ‘s thèid m’ fhàgail beò.
I was young when I left you Mairi
With a special promise
And a love that I won’t forget
tlił I go to my grave.
Even though my head is grey
And my memory is fading
My thoughts will always be with Mairi
As long as I am left alive.
Ged bhiodh an saoghal-s’ òrdaicht’ dhomh
‘S gach neach tha còmhnaidh ann
B’fheàrr leam a bhith còmhla riut
Nar aonar measg nam beann
‘S e d’ aghaidh mhìn gheal bhòidheach
Do ghliocas mòr ‘s do chainnt
A dh’fhàg mi fèin an tòir ort
Thar na tha beò ‘s gach linn.
Though this world would be ordered for me
and everything it contains
I would rather be with you
alone amongst the hills
With your lovely face,
Wisdom, and conversation
leaving me craving the more for you
above any other living soul in history.
O shiubhail mi tre Alba
Agus sheòl mi thar nan tonn
Thàinig mi a Chanada
Far a bheil a’ choille trom
‘S ged a bhrist mi bhòid ud
A thug mi òg dhut thall
Cho fad ‘s a bhios m’ anail òrdaichte
Bidh mi ri m’ bheò gad chaoidh.
I have travelled through Scotland
And sailed across the seas
Until I came to Canada
Where the trees are so heavy
And although I broke my promise
I gave you in my youth at home
As long as I have a breath in me
I will always lament you.
‘S mise tha trom-inntinneach
‘S mi ri caoidh ri m’ bheò
Bho la dh ‘fhàg mi an t-saighdearachd
Bu chinnteach bha mo bhòid
Shiùbhlainn-sa gach sràid
‘S cha tigeadh sgàig na mo chòir
‘S mi smuaineachadh air Mairi
Dhan tug mi gràdh ‘s mi òg.
I am now so depressed
And pining while I live
Since the day I left the Army
When my promise was still true
I would walk every street
Horror would not come near me
While I thought of my dear Mairi
Who I gave my love when young.

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