Imrich Lyrics
O Mhàiri, e Mhàiri
O Mary, Mary
'S ann air feasgar Diciadain nuair bha ghrian anns na
'S i ri deàlradh cho brèagha, cho sgiamhach ri òr;
Thachair mise 's mo Mhàiri ann an gàradh nan ròs
Is bha fàileadh nan ùbhlan glè chùbhraidh tighinn oirnn.
On Wednesday afternoon
With the sun in the sky
Shining beautifully
As lovely as gold
My Mary and I met
In a rose garden
And the fragrance of apples
Enveloped us
Nuair thuig a h-athair 's màthair gu robh Màiri an
Rinn iad faighneachd gun dàil dhi cò h-ailleagan caomh
Fhreagair i gum b' e gunnair o mhullach an t-slèibh
Fear à Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba far am marbhte na fèidh.
When her father and mother
Understood Mary was in love
They asked her at once
About her beloved
She answered that he was a gunner
From the hilltop
From the Highlands of Scotland
Where they hunt the deer
Nuair a chual' iad a facal gun do ghlas iad i suas
Ann an seòmar bha glaiste fad seachdain gun truas
Tha mo chridhs' brist' nach fhaodainn bhith bruidhinn ri mo luaidh
'S i gam choimhead tron uinneig 's na deòir a' ruith sìos o gruaidh.
When they heard her words
They locked her
In a bolted room
For a week without mercy
My heart is broken since
I could not speak to my love
And she looking at me from the window
With tears running down her cheek
Nuair a ràinig mi 'n àite far 'n robh m' àilleagan
Rinn a sùilean ciùin dràbhadh 's bha dreach a' bhàis air a gruaidh
'S nuair a thug mi mo làimh oirr' dh'fhàg a cainnt i gu luath
'S dhùin a sùilean sa chadal nach dùisg 's a bhith buan.
When I reached
My beloved's house
She opened her calm eyes
And death's pallor was on her cheek
And when I touched her
Speech quickly left her
And her eyes shut
In eternal slumber
O Mhàiri, e Mhàiri, 's tu dh'fhàg mi cho tinn
'S tu dh'fhàg mi fo mhulad is duilich ga inns'
'S ann ort tha mo smuaintean a latha 's a dh'oidhch'
Gus an tèid mi dhan anart, cha sguir mi gad chaoidh.
Oh Mary, Mary
You have left me so ill
You have left me despondent
And it's hard for me to tell my tale
My thoughts are upon you
Each day and night
Until I lie in my shroud
I will not cease to mourn for you
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